Friday, November 30, 2007

Dodds Faked His Accident???!?!

Wifey alerted me to this...Apparently there's evidence showing that former NH Dem primary candidate Gary Dodds faked his 24-hr disappearance after a car our intrepid readers may recall, his car was found cracked up on a NH highway and he went missing for about a day. I've not followed the NH-01 district much since then so I know nothing of any information that came out in the past two years...I was too focused on our Mass elections and keeping Healey out of office. But how can you fake a bump on the head and hypothermia???

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

2008 Presidential Debates

The sites and dates have been selected, but nothing yet on the moderators...

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Yahoo!s Top 100 Green Vehicles

Dominated by hybrids & foreign vehicles from Honda and Toyota

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Good News From Iraq

Iraqi President Nouri al-Maliki said today that violence in his country has been significantly reduced over last year. The first freely elected leader in Iraqi history, al-Maliki's statements are powerful proof that peace is spreading in Iraq.

This is good news for our military families and the Iraqi people who have suffered unspeakable losses during the violence.

This is NOT bad news for the Democrats and good news for the Republicans. Instead, this is good news for our country, and bad news for al-Qaeda.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dear Carol, Are you still that candidate?

Dear Carol,

I'm curious to know what you think of Congressman Pete
Stark's (D-CA) comments last week when he said that
troops in Iraq were dying "for the President's
amusement." I understand why you voted against
punishing your fellow Democrat, but I'm anxious to
know if you agree with the spirit of his comments.

In 2006, you were the mouthpiece of the anti-war
movement. Are you still that candidate?

Curious Republican

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