Tuesday, May 29, 2007

McCain Leads Primary Polls in New Hampshire

The American Research Group reports that John McCain leads New Hampshire primary polls with 30% of likely Republican primary voters.

The poll also showed that 40% of registered independents, the largest voting bloc in the Granite State, would choose McCain. Romney trails McCain with 22%, followed by Rudy Giuliani with 15%.

The American Research Group
Full Text

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Monday, May 21, 2007

The Food Stamp Challenge

Mass Rep Jim McGovern did this, as well as Reps Tim Ryan and Jan Schakowsky did it it too and all blogged about it...a fascinating read, and one that should illuminate the basic food demands on a budget of $21 per week. No wonder people gravitate to fast food...it's cheap with a little protein and a lot of fat. Bottom line, best I can see it, is that you cannot eat healthy on this little...with food stamps stagnant, minimum wages stagnant and fuel prices soaring, it's all a big circular reference, spiraling downward toward obesity, diabetes and other social ills...

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tech Note: Some tweaks, And Hello Johnny K-Street

As it turns out, bunchball.com eliminated their flash-based webgames, so no more asteroids! Sorry...Also welcome Johnny K-Street to the author roll (pic is of the ORIGINAL johnny k-street, from the now-defunct radio program Morning Sedition)- he's already added some posts here. Just like me and the others, Johnny will be providing commentary as he sees fit, and will provide a different insight that the other three of us! Thanks Johnny!

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Blog About Greater Boston Media Personalities

Interesting little thing that tells you where that weather lady went to that you used to see on the weekend news...

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Draft Barack to Boogie

What I wouldn't give to see Barack Obama shake his moneymaker for Dancing with the Stars. Top that Hillary!

Barack should boogie!

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Monday, May 14, 2007

TAXachusetts No More

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What happens when 12 million illegal workers are denied jobs?

What is the practical effect of denying illegal workers jobs...? Economically speaking, wouldn't removing 12 million illegal workers from the labor pool have all of the following effects:

  • Increased competition amongst american businesses for labor. To attract workers, businesses would have to increase wages and benefits to fill positions

  • Student-teacher ratios at public and private schools would decrease, presumably freeing up more money for teacher salaries, and increasing the effectiveness of education

  • Health care costs would fall due to falling demand for emergency room services.

  • Gas prices would fall due to decreased demand

  • Costs of goods and services would increase due to increase labor costs

America needs inexpensive labor, not illegal labor. Guest worker, amnesty, whatever you want to call President Bush's plan for dealing with illegal workers, is a big business bill benefiting companies that break the rules, and penalizes the ones following the law. How is this good policy?

PS. Please don't tell me it isn't practical to deport 12 million people. If we eliminate the incentives (jobs, free education, free healthcare, free retirement, etc...), illegal workers will return home on their own. Why would they stay?
