Wednesday, April 30, 2008

MidWeek Linkies

A couple days' worth of headlines that I've collected...

economists slam gas tax holiday idea:

economists for BO:

why debunk stupid economic stats?

robocalls are caused by...

hillary blasts bush for bill's china deal: david sirota on the same hillary stupidity

hillary stranglove

clintonista jumping to obama:

new demconwatch widget (now implemented here on the right side)

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Health Insurance Sucks, Please Pass The Lemons

Seems like some more traction on the subject of paying through the nose for shitty insurance while at the same time having costs increase 2-3 TIMES wage or inflation increases...not egg or gas prices, tho - those are outstripping almost everything these days save rice...

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

More On Green Cleaners...

Yahoo! is getting in on the act...maybe they need to clean up before Steve Ballmer and Rupert Murdoch come walking through with white gloves to see how much dust there is??

As an aside, here's our previous green posts and to a local paper's article on green cleaners...

And here's another yahoo article about smarter, "I shoulda thought of that" engineering...

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Been Off The Air Mostly Recently...

My surrogate employer has decided to re-formulate it's firewall and block all blogger (at 1st) and then just the components that allow you to log in - something about social networking or some such thing...anyways, couple that with one non-sleeping baby and you've got a toxic mix of no time nor opportunity to my blogging about Hillary outrage regarding her personal bimbo eruptions will have to slow down a bit...

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Rural PA Columnist About BIttterGate

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Carter, Gore to endorse Obama, or ask Clinton to concede

posted here

NYT Sunday Mag Article About Matthews

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Little Bitter About Obama 'Bitter' Comments?

Here's his initial response to this non-issue...

And here's the CNN crew hammering Hillary and McCain over this crap...she's rediculous...

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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Penn's Ties To Union-Busting

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A few things [bumped]

I dig Obama. Loved his speech on Wright and racial wrongs.

I feel like Hillary would make a thoroughly capable president, in a political and organizational kind of way, but I feel that we need today the kind of inspirational president that we would have in Obama to stimulate the public's engagement in the coming years of transformational projects.

I've been interested to see how much the people working on Green Jobs initiatives entwine their Green with so much of what they call social justice and pathways out of poverty. They lobby not only to create programs to put the skills needed to solve regional energy challenges into the hands of local workers, but to make sure that those would-be workers have the support they're going to need, given their often troubled circumstances.

[RBE note - I added tags on Apr 1]

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T-Mobile Announces It Has Annexed Magenta

No foolin...