Reality-Based Engineering
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Superior Diary On 21st Century Inflation/Stagflation Worries
I wish I had the time to delve into stuff like this. We're headed for trouble. I hope everybody's out of most of their debt and have kept their mortgage debt-to-income ratios relatively low (25-30%) and decided not to be house-poor (50+%). Anybody remember stagflation?Sterling Burnett: Just a Big Fat Bully
Aravosis, C&L and DarkSyde are all over this guy. Direct from Thinkprogress. Goebbels? If he's going to compare Gore to Nazis just to smear him, well, I guess I can call him a fat bully.Lee Iacocca: More Than Just The Mustang Man
Nice pdf article on his values and priorities...oh yeah, bushbot bashing :-)Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Bipartisanship: House, Senate Leadership Agree FBI Raid Was Precident-Setting
Why is it only now that this gets Frist's and Hastert's attention?DailyKos Followup On AG Gonzalez Wiping With 1st Amendment
Read up, y'all.Monday, May 22, 2006
W: Pot Calling The Kettle Black
If that ain't a kick in the pants. So, Bolivia eroded democracy by democraticlly electing a guy president? Or, are you just sore that he nationalized the natural gas fields?NSA Specifically Tracking WaPo, NYTimes
It gets worser and worser.UPDATE May 22nd - this Brian Ross (ABCNews) clip from CNN's Sunday show on the above story that he broke last week.
From C&L: wowsers
Just read it.Sunday, May 21, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Gen. Hayden: Total Skipjack
Please, spin 9/11 some more so that we can get more a-scared and believe that your de facto Total Information Awareness program (killed by Congress in 2003) would have prevented 9/11. Good gravy. We already know that it was much more incompitence than anything else.Wednesday, May 17, 2006
GOP Not Trusted To Do Anything
WaPo speaks.National Security Letters
Brian Ross of ABC News is reporting that National Security Letters are being used to target reporters - are they really terrorists?Federal law enforcement sources say the National Security Letters are being used to obtain phone records of reporters at ABC News and elsewhere in an attempt to learn confidential sources who may have provided classified information in violation of the law.
Remember The White House Plumbers
This era should sound like a familiar story to the cast of characters from the Nixon era, since many of them were there (Cheney, Rummy, etc.)Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Shrub Sez: "We ain't listenin' "
No shit Sherlock, but you're cataloging every single call made since September 2001. Now BellSOUTH says that they didn't provide this information to the NSA:BellSouth said in a statement that it doesn't contract with the National Security Agency to supply customer calling information.
So, it didn't contract with them. They looked through their contracts. Oooh, don't you just want to believe them?
Bill Of Rights Drizzle-Down
Interesting quick post at dailykos regarding the 10 amendments and the watering down of them over the past several years. Of course, I personally think that the 1970's Supreme Court giving corporations 1st Amendment rights was the beginning of the downfall. I'll find a link later.UPDATE: Here's the link to something that shows what I'm talking about. Start looking at the timeline around 1975-1976. That's when the Supreme Court decided that advertising was free speech for any company, de facto granting companies 1st amendment rights that previously only individuals enjoyed (save the media). You can use this google search as well.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
NSA Contracts To Listen To Every Phonecall In USA
Holy Fuck. Only Quest declined to do this. at&t, Verizon and BellSouth are selling your phonecall records to the government.Update: Dubya to talk to the country today at noon to lie to us about the illegal wiretaps program, which we now know is a plan to catalog each and every phonecall made in the United States. More here, here and here. And here and here and here. Aravosis tells us that verizon wireless says they they are NOT part of this shitstorm.
I don't know about you, but I just don't believe this fucking guy. Hell, I stopped believing his sincerity in 2003, knowing full well that I didn't agree with his intentions. But this is the last fucking straw. And you know that the shit is hitting the fan when he goes on TV the same day this hits. He's on right now.
More updates: Senator Kerry and Rep. Conyers already have kos diaries up.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Colbert Double-Dip [bumped]
[Update MayDay - I added a link to the title for a brand-new site called "Thank You Stephen Colbert". More links are now added below to this burgeoning issue. Supposedly even C-SPAN has cut it from the rebroadcast. And I KNOW that they have kept in the comedians bits before (I recall Bill Maher being particularly off-color with Clinton post-Lewinsky and it stayed in, including a couple of "bullshits" here and there as well.][Update 05/02/06 - AMERICABlog notes that dubya didn't like the bit one bit.]
[Update 05/04/06 - More on this from Dan Froomkin via AMERICABlog.]
One of the shows I do not get to see, sadly...
This C&L link is from a recent espisode where Colbert rips Bill Kristol and asks him how the whole PNAC takeover of the world thing is doing, seeing as that he's a founding member...and how somehow that may have given some reporter some backbone to discuss what is blantantly out there with super wingy John Bolton.
And this one Colbert slams the bushbots at the White House Correspondents dinner Saturday night...and I guess there are already responses to his satire from that night.
You Tube links here (1), (2), (3) for the videos. Editor & comments on the story. Daily Kos posts here on the subject. Searches here and here. AMERICABlog post here.
From The Media Matters Box: Nothing About W's Signing Statements
Following up on my post from a few days ago on dubya's signing statements, Media Matters talks about how this HUGE story is not getting any traction in the rest of Regular Media Land...Mayo Clinic: Health Care System Doomed
Great post - click the link above to read.Understanding Internet Neutrality
This should give a quick primer on the issue.[Update 05/02/06 - new link from dkos regarding this issue, and from AMERICABlog]