Monday, March 10, 2008

Kitchen Sink Strategy Showing Dazzling Array of Rhetorical Contradictions

First, there's this bit from Mark Penn about how Obama is too liberal (never mind that this is an attack from a Democrat) and we're reminded in the piece that Mark Penn recently said that Obama wasn't a real Democrat since he gets support from independants and republicans...and a reminder that Penn's company advises McCain, too...

Then, there's Bill Clinton saying that Hillary/Obama would be a dream ticket. And of course, Obama just today reminds us of the hilarity of all of this attacking:

"I don't know how somebody who is in second place is offering the vice
presidency to someone who is first place," Obama said, drawing cheers and a
standing ovation from about 1,700 people in Columbus, Miss. Saying he wanted to be "absolutely clear," he added: "I don't want anybody here thinking that 'Somehow maybe I can get both'" by nominating Clinton as president and assuming he would be her running mate. "You have to make a choice in this election," he said. Obama aides said Clinton's recent hints that she might welcome him as her vice presidential candidate appeared meant to diminish him and to attract undecided voters in the remaining primary states by suggesting they can have a "dream ticket."
Obama had never suggested he might accept a second spot on the ticket. But until Monday he had not ridiculed the notion so directly, even if he did completely rule it out in Shermanesque terms.

He told the audience that it made no sense for Clinton to suggest he is not ready to be president and then hint that she might hand him the job that could make him president at a moment's notice.
"If I'm not ready, how is it you think I would be such a great vice president?" he said, as the crowd laughed and cheered loudly.

And the quote that was in Rawstory and not Yahoo! (dont know why):

"If I'm not ready, how is it that you think I would be such a great vice president. Do you understand that? ... They are trying to hoodwink you," he said. "You can't say he's not ready on day one, unless he'd be your vice president, then he's ready on day one."

That about raps' er up as far as the rhetorical mudslinging from Hills. She's now flung so much poo that we've come full circle. And dont forget about the tax return stuff - you can look up my previous post on that hypocritical turd.

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