Friday, March 07, 2008

Hillary's Camp: Attack Where You're Weakest

When is Hillary's disfunctional camp going to stop acting like a bunch of fucking republicans? Why doesn't she run on her fucking record? Oh, I know - cause over 1/2 of those 35 years of service she was a first lady to the USA or to Arkansas. Those, last I recall, are not elected offices. She opens herself up to a lot of issues with her attaking, kitchen sink throwing strategy...

Oh, and it turns out HER CAMP gave the off-hand remark about the NAFTA thing to the Canadians. Now, she's just a fucking hypocrite in high heels.

Oh, by the way, release your damn taxes. Hypocrite. And stop race-baiting. You cannot win anyways.

[update march 07] This exchange about Hillary's 3 AM commercial that fearmongers...

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