So Bushie Can't Use A Lever to Raise and Lower Gas Prices?
So sayeth one Vijay Vaitheeswaran who writes for The Economist magazine. You'll have to listen to the entire audio article (follow the link to the title above) as he has a lot of things to say about how gas prices get to where they are when we're at the pump. Two facts that shook out of the story for me that I was unaware of:* The original Ford Model T got 25 MPG - beat that HUMMER. For me, that means we should make SUVs count as cars for CAFE standards, and that those standards need to be raised dramatically over the next 10 years. We're horribally energy inefficient as compared to western Europe and Japan.
* The Saudi State oil company is around TWELVE TIMES as large as Exxon-Mobil, and that 90% of the world's oil is controlled by governments (via government-controlled companies) and not by private corporations.
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