Thursday, September 21, 2006

More Evidence of CNN Dumb-Dumbs?

Just riffing off a previous post. CNN is on crack if they think this is true:

An AP story carried by CNN shows that the White House was paid many visits by “Republican activists Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed” over the past 6 years. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino had an odd way of excusing the visits by Mr. Norquist:
He is one of a number of individuals who worked to advance fiscal responsibility, which is one of the key aspects of the president's agenda

I seriously doubt Mr. Norquist asked Karl Rove if the pork barrel spending for his clients could be reduced.

OK, my update - the previous paragraph of the article is this:

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said, however, it was possible some of Norquist's meetings might have been directly with Karl Rove, the president's longtime confidant and political strategist.

So this Dana person is obviously going to say stupid things to advance the schrub agenda...but I dont agree with PGL's implied assertion that CNN is being a total stooge - CNN should have edited that comment out since it has nothing to do with the story. Kind of the reverse of what Lemon Lymon discussed below - there was no dissection of the quote at all and it therefore allowed that baloney bullet point to get through.


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