Sunday, February 12, 2006

EPA Admin Ignores Science Committee Recommendations

It's another par for the course for the Bush Administration when it comes to ignoring their science advisory committees. This time, it's not the FDA, but the EPA doing it...this falls right in line with the book that I'm reading (and that I've linked to on the right) by Chris Mooney.

YOUNG: It's also puzzling to members of the EPA's own Clean Air Science Advisory Committee. CASAC, as it's known, recommended a lower level – somewhere between 12 and 14 – for long-term particle emissions. Congress appointed the diverse panel of experts to give EPA rigorously researched and unbiased scientific advice. Committee chair Dr. Rogene Henderson says this is the first time an EPA administrator has not followed that advice.

HENDERSON: I was surprised and disappointed that the administrator did not choose to follow our recommendations. We're in uncharted waters here. This has never happened before here.

YOUNG: EPA's proposal also would not regulate or even monitor coarse particle dust in rural areas. It would exempt from regulation dusty activities like mining and agriculture. Henderson says the proposal makes it sound as if that idea came from her committee.

Listen to the Living On Earth story here (mp3).


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