Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Chertoff Speaks Truth: Brownie Is a Dunderhead

[from AmericaBLOG]

I'll copy the whole post below, since John A has told us that he's having to delete older content on the blog just to keep below the max MB allowed. But, suffice it to say, continuing on my post on the matter of the hearings on Katrina (which have been pushed well below the radar recently with all the scandals swirling faster than Wilma - 882 millibars - is right now), Chertoff lays the blame for the federal response right at the federal government's doorstep - right where it should be. And nicely throws Brownie under the bus. As an added bonus, here's Part I and Part II of Brownie's testimony (via C-SPAN). And, to re-quote from my previous post:

Here is what LA-D Rep. Jefferson thought of Brownie's opening statement:
"I find it absolutely stunning that this hearing would start out with you, Mr. Brown, laying the blame for FEMA's failings at the feet of the governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans."


Well, well, well.

Another Republican conspiracy theory shot to hell. For the past month the Bushies and their cronies on the right have been peddling the lie that the Katrina mess was really the fault of the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana.

Well, now the head of the Dept of Homeland Security, Bush's boy, says it was the feds who screwed up, not the local governments.

Uh oh.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's lack of planning, not the failures of state and local officials, was to blame for much of what went wrong with the government's response to Hurricane Katrina, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told member of Congress today.

The assessment by the most senior administration official to answer legislators' questions since the hurricane struck in late August contrasted sharply with testimony offered earlier by former FEMA Director Michael Brown. Brown had blamed the "dysfunction" of Louisiana state and local officials for the problems that hobbled the relief effort.

"From my own experience, I don't endorse those views," Chertoff said.

He told lawmakers that he found the governors and mayors of the region to be responsive as the crisis unfolded.


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