Via Alternet: Who's Watching the Watch List?
I've been worried about
this for some time. I flew a lot immediately before and after Sept 11 and after that travel died down, I've been on planes about ten times. Because a TSA computer sniffer picked up something on my leather bag, I'm now tagged on some list in the TSA. Fundamentally, how do you defend yourself? This is guilt before innocence. I have no means, really, of fixing this or finding out what the chemical was that was found. That bag had been chemically sniffed multiple times, and that one time something was found. The guy that wrote the article, John Graham, found this on one of the TSA forms that he filled out:
The TSA clearance process will not remove a name from the Watch Lists. Instead this process distinguishes passengers from persons who are in fact on the Watch Lists by placing their names and identifying information in a cleared portion of the Lists.
So, people that are on the watch lists can never get off. Ever. This lumping of people sounds eerily familiar to the 2000 voting lists in FL that would have names like "J.Jones" and that's it. So ANYBODY who had that name derivative - man, woman, felon, etc. were restricted. Without due course. This needs to be fixed, man.
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