Friday, June 24, 2005

The Downing Street Memo - Repost III

[Update 3 - 6/24/05: Greg Palast has joined the chase (he probably is actually the leader, but we only get real newsin the US after it's already happened). Here's his BBC Newsnight video from March 17th. Here's the info that he sent to Rep. Conyers.]

[Update 2 - 6/21/05: dfa has this great flash animation that serves as a little primer of what's in the memos. And, below, John Conyers delivering the 500k+ sigs to the White House]

[Update 1 - 6/18/05: apparently now the AP is starting to give this legs...cross posted from americablog]

I'm joining others to get the word out on this memo which shows pretty clearly what we all figured: Iraq was a planned event from the beginning (see PNAC). Here are several links that I've found regarding it:


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