Will Ferrell As Neil Diamond on VH1 Spoof
My god this is hilarious...a bit on the raunchy side as Will Ferrell is apt to do, especially spoofing on the great Neil, but still you can chuckle, especially with the hand raised while singing. He does pretty well with the mimicry - he gets the high points.And, if you want other SNL moments from recent times, here's a link to a bunch of them.
somehow i got to ur blog from a friends, and i just saw that u are an engineer in worcester, ma. i was just wondering where u went to college to get ur b.s. and i was wondering if u were a WPI graduate? as for thats the school that i attend :)
Hello Anonymous (Jess)!
Happenstance being what it is, I did go to WPI, but only became a Worcster resident over the past couple of years. I went to WPI in the early 90's when it they still spelled out "WPI" and before they tried to turn it into Holden University.
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