Monday, May 30, 2005

From Carpetbagger - GOP right where they want us. Or something.

Taken from the Carpetbagger Report:

I'm fully aware of the fact that the fight over Social Security privatization is far from over. Nevertheless, this struck me as terribly amusing.

Social Security was supposed to be the focal point of the Bush domestic agenda this year, but passage of a plan to secure its long-term financing and add private investment accounts has grown more complicated in recent weeks as Republicans appear increasingly willing to challenge the White House on issues including expanded stem cell research and the reimportation of prescription drugs.

White House spokesman Trent Duffy said Washington is exactly where Bush strategists thought it would be right now on Social Security, with a rising awareness of the system's problems and Congress entering a summertime legislative push. (emphasis added)

Riiiight. When Karl Rove and his lieutenants drew up the political game plan, I'm sure they expected, almost half-way through 2005, to have Bush's popularity plummeting, widespread skepticism about the privatization plan from the president's own party in Congress, and polls showing broad disapproval for Bush's scheme nationwide — with support dropping the more the public learns of the details. Just on the Hill, there is still no formal Bush plan, the GOP chairmen of all the relevant committees have made no progress, and Dem opposition to the White House approach is unwavering and practically unanimous.

And Trent Duffy would have us believe that everything is going exactly according to plan. If you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida I'd love to sell you.


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