Thursday, July 03, 2008

Two Disparate Ideas of Patriotism

Both Obama and McCain have been talking all week about patriotism & other things that are related. I saw this in the headline box on Yahoo this afternoon, thought nothing of it for a second, and then looked at it again:

The two quotes from the candidates on patriotism could not be more starkly different, and seems to me reveal a lot about both candidates...when I see McCain's comment, I hear the following:

"Patriotism is a rediculously exclusive club that only a few Americans could ever possibly obtain since you have to put country above family, God, love, and any -ism that you can think of. Of course, I'm in that club since I was a POW."

What I hear from Obama's quote:

"Patriotism is inherantly inclusive of any American who believes in the American dream and its thread of commonality through all of us. In short, if you live the American experience and you do your part, no matter how large or small that part is allowed to be, you're a patriot."

It's little wonder that McCain so jealously wraps himself in his POW experience and ties it to everything - he thinks he's one of a handful - maybe only hundreds in the USA - of Patriots. I prefer Obama's vision more - so few of us could ever possibly be PUT into McCain's position that we might as well forget attainment of that lofty goal.

Just a thought. Happy 4th!

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