Friday, March 14, 2008

Globe: Hillary Didn't Do Anything For SCHIP... was apparently all Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch that did the vast majority of's the lead-in paragraph:
“Clinton, who has frequently described herself on the campaign trail as playing a pivotal role in forging a children's health insurance plan, had little to do with crafting the landmark legislation or ushering it through Congress, according to several lawmakers, staffers, and healthcare advocates involved in the issue.”

and I love this comment from the msnbc webpage:
FINALLY (!!) the media puts focus on the bogus and brazen and unsubstantiated claims of experience that have been put forth by the Clinton campaign...

So let's see now....

1) She failed in her secretive healthcare endeavor;
2) She didn't really do anything for SCHIP;
3) She didn't really bring peace to Northern Ireland;
4) She didn't really open the borders in Bosnia;
5) She didn't have any security clearances while first lady;
6) She didn'e even have a national security team on her staff while first lady;
7) She claims a speech in China as experience but at the same time disses Obama as merely giving speeches;

What EXACTLY does this campaign have to [claim] as experience?????

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