Friday, October 12, 2007

Wiki-ish Lookup for Talking Heads In The News

I was listenening to our new XM radio in the car on the way home last night, and they have a great new channel on XM130 - POTUS08. Everything about the presidential election, which is cool in general.

They had a segment that segued with a discussion of Hillary talking about some sort of relief for college students since the rate of college tuition hikes was 2-3x that of inflation over the past...some time, I missed the interval. ANYWAY, they had two people on to discuss the rediculous college price hikes...the first guy was Richard Vedder, a professor of economics at Ohio University and fronting for some group called The Center for College Affordability and Productivity (they blog here) He stated that the relief should go directly to the manner of slashing subsidies to post-secondary schools, giving it all to the students and then have the colleges compete to pick up these sounded a little fishy but I did give it enough thought to write down his name while in the restaraunt parking lot picking up chinese food for dinner...then the second guest was Pedro de la Torr, who identifed himself as being with a group called CampusProgress, affiliated with the Center for American Progress. CfAP is a well-known pregressive group, but they indentified it so I sort of knew what was coming. But I googled Vedder's name just now, and this is what I found. He belongs to well-known right-wing thinktanks such as the American Enterprise Institute and the National Taxpayers Union. And, he supports pro-tobacco propaganda. Interesting. But, the whole point is the website that had it:

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