Thursday, June 15, 2006

Welcome To "The Gumbinator"

I've invited one of my close friends to contribute to my blog, and in aligning with my practice he shall use a nomme de guerre - gumbinator (chances are he's none of these guys).

Seeing as that over the past few months I've essentially used this as a personal RSS aggregator and not done much with actual blog POSTING, my hope is that adding another voice from a person who takes a different look at events than I do will lead to a more dynamic environment here and, hopefully, a more thoughtful presentation of events which will lead to, well, more lengthy posts and a also lead to a conversation - even if its a two-way conversation! ;o)

Welcome aboard!

We'll be changing the green signature section to the right to something more appropriate to a two-man effort v. my [previously] one-man show.