Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Engineering Post: Toyota's Green Philosophy

Building on my previous post about Honda and their writeup in Newsweek in June, Toyota has made announcement that they want 25% of their worldwide sales to be hybridized vehicles by 2010 which translates to 1 million hybrid vehicles. They estimate that this will mean 600,000 vehicles per year in the US of A to achieve that goal. While that's a heckuva challenge - they want 10 new hybrid models by 2010 - the more a technology is ubiquitous, the more accepted it is, and the CHEAPER it becomes. I'm glad to see Toyota step up to the plate. And by 2010 the critics can be silenced...and the hesitant - like me - can stop being hesitant. When it comes to technology, I naturally like to stay slightly behind the curve instead of being the first to have something new.


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